Studies on the Demography of the Byzantine Empire
Collected Studies
Συγγραφέας: Χαρανής Παναγιώτης (Peter)
Έκδοση: Variorum Reprints, Λονδίνο 1972
Σειρά: Collected studies τόμος 8
Πρόλογος: Βρυώνης Σπύρος Jr.
Γλώσσα: Αγγλική
Αριθμός σελίδων: 364
ISBN: 9780902089259
Περιγραφή: The collection and printing in one volume of Peter Charanis’ articles on Byzantine demography mark an important landmark in the study of the subject. His studies are characterized by insight, objectivity, and an impeccable fidelity to the primary sources. Because of the paucity and difficulty of the sources on demography their critical evaluation has assumed a dominating position in demographic scholarship. Charanis, in a life time of study, has subjected the written records, numismatics, and toponymy to an intense and searching analysis, and in his synthesis has remained bound to primary sources, refusing to abandon them in the face of seductive secondary speculations. It is this austerity of historical method and rich knowledge of the primary historical monuments which have made of the author the foremost authority on Byzantine demography, and have enabled him to remain free of the passionate pronouncements of nationalist and racist historians. The present volume constitutes the basic study of Byzantine demography and will serve as the foundation and sure guide for further investigation of the subject.
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Παρουσίαση της Αγγελικής Λαϊου στο περιοδικό American History Review τόμος 78, Νο 4, Οκτώβριος 1973