Prehistoric topography of Lemnos: The Early Bronze Age
Συγγραφέας: Ντόβα Ανθή (Χρυσάνθη)
Έκδοση: Μέρος του συλλογικού έργου The Aegean on the Neolithic, Chalcolithic and the Early Bronze Age, Ankara University Research Center for Maritime Archaeology (Ankusam), Άγκυρα 2008
Proceedings of the International Symposium October 13th-19th 1997, Urla-Izmir (Turkey)
Επιμέλεια έκδοσης: Erkanal Hayat, Hauptmann Harald, Sahoglu Vasif, Tuncel Riza
Γλώσσα: Αγγλική
Αριθμός σελίδων: 18 (Σελίδες 141-158)
ISBN: 9789754827675
Περιγραφή: The strategic geographical position of Lemnos at the entrance to the Dardanelles and its geomorphology determined the great cultural development that this island met from the end of the Neolithic period and during the Early Bronze Age. The seminal role that Lemnos played during the third millennium B.C. is revealed by the excavations of Poliochni and also from the new excavations conducted during the last years in the prehistoric settlements of Myrina and Koukonisi. The development of Lemnos during the third millennium B.C. is shown also by the density of its population. Archaeological research has revealed the existence of a web of Early Bronze Age settlements. Most of these are in prominent coastal positions, on low hills or small headlands next to natural harbors, so that they served maritime trade and the distribution of valuable raw materials, like metals. Moreover, there are nearby tracts of arable land, ensuring sufficient agricultural and stock-raising produce. In this paper I present these unknown or scarcely known Early Bronze Age sites of Lemnos.
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