Considerazioni sul culto di Efesto a Lemno

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Considerazioni sul culto di Efesto a Lemno

Συγγραφέας: Massa Morella
Έκδοση: Μέρος του συλλογικού έργου Αρωγή:Atti della Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia IV-V 2007-2008, Εκδόσεις Plus Pisa University Press, Πίζα 2009
Γλώσσα: Ιταλική
Αριθμός σελίδων: 41 (Σελίδες 121-161)
ISBN: 9788884926791

Περιγραφή: A group of furnaces from the level underneath the archaic sanctuary on the Hephaestia’s acropolis is dates by Beschi to the early VIIth century B.C.-However, important questions still remain. These furnaces are likely to have been part of a prehistorical cult-place dedicated to Hephaistos. As the god of fire and metal-work, Hephaistos played the leading role in the Bronze Age pantheon of Lemnos, a very important metallurgic centre. Assumably, in this cult-place, the blacksmith associations oversaw the young men’s initiations. This cult continued as far as the Late Antiquity, even though radical tranformations occured along with historical changes. The archaeological documentation is likely to support my hypothesis. Though still very scanty, it shoes a continuous settlement at the site of Hephaestia from the Late Bronze Age to the late VIIIth century B.C., when the Tyrrhenians reached Lemnos in accordance with the common opinion. Finally, I will demonstrate how this date is not correct.

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