For an archaeological phenomenology of the society of Hephaestia (Lemnos) from the Late Bronze Age to the end of Archaism
Αρθρογράφος: Greco Emanuele
Έκδοση: Περιοδικό Annali di Archeologia e Storia Antica (Aion) Nuova Serie 25, Universita Degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale” Dipartimento di Asia Africa e Mediterraneo, Napoli 2018
Γλώσσα: Ιταλική
Αριθμός σελίδων: 21 (Σελίδες 11-31)
Θεματολογία: Αρχαιολογία
ISSN: 1127-7130
Περιγραφή: After 16 years of excavations at Hephaestia (Lemnos) I present an account of the main novelties which have emerged from the research in the field. The first surprising result was the discovery of a Late Bronze Age settlement dating to between the final III A2 and III B over which a final phase was laid down dating to III C. In the course of the eleventh century BC the settlement disappeared and in the surrounding area was replaced by a new settlement our knowledge of which comes primarily from the ceramic production.
Next, I pass in review the buildings on the so called Acropolis, with new interpretation’s proposals.
In the final part I present the large building, just outside the isthmus walls, excavated between 2006 and 2016, and some considerations on the extra-urban sanctuary of the Kabeiroi at Chloi.